High-dimensional random arrays. Structural decompositions and concentration.
P. Dodos (NKUA)
15-Jan-2021, 14:00-15:30 (4 years ago)
Abstract: A d-dimensional random array is a stochastic process indexed by theset of all d-element subsets of a set I. We shall discuss the structure of finite,high-dimensional random arrays, with finite valued entries (e.g., boolean) whose distribution is sufficiently symmetric. Specifically, we shall focus on the following interrelated problems: concentration and distributional decompositions. This is joint work with Kostas Tyros and Petros Valettas
functional analysisoperator algebras
Audience: advanced learners
Functional analysis and operator algebras in Athens
Series comments: For zoom coordinates, see webpage: users.uoa.gr/%7Eakatavol/anak2223.html
Organizer: | Aristides Katavolos* |
*contact for this listing |
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